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A Garden Full of Wildlife

Insect Hotel at Buckfast Abbey
Pond for Wildlife at Buckfast Abbey
Grasses at Knoll Gardens, Dorset

Having sat down for a few moments in your beautiful Garden Swing Seat… your attention may now go to the birdsong around you.

Is your garden an attractive place for birds? Is there anything that you can do to increase the numbers there?

Of course, birds do not exist outside a rich eco-system and for this there are three main areas that need to be thought about.

1.     Shelter - this is a broad area, but might include evergreen shrubs that could provide nesting sites for birds, branches that if blown down, should be stacked somewhere out of the way as a great home for insects and even allowing areas of longer grass which will attract its own species. And of course if you have the space for a bird box, this can be so fascinating.

2.    Water: Even a small birdbath will provide drinking water and a bathing place for birds..If you have the space for a more natural pool, it will be even more beneficial if you can provide a shallow approach for small mammals.

3.      Food – this is best provided by as wide a range of plants, shrubs and climbers as possible, that flower and produce pollen over an extended period. Hollies and Ivies are important for late season and crocus and hellebores early into the new year. A Buddleia davidii is  really important for butterflies and lavenders produce 40% more nectar than any other plant.

If you have space for a compost heap it is wonderfully beneficial for your beds and borders… and also a nice warm shelter for worms and other invertebrates…

Bare walls may be planted with climbers which again can have an extended flowering season so think honeysuckles to ivies…  and these can provide shelter as well as food…

But perhaps most important of all is the consideration of not using chemicals on your lawns. 80% chemicals bought are for lawns… and with a new mindset… a little moss in a lawn with some creeping buttercups and speedwell can look stunning. Add to this some early spring bulbs including crocus and primroses in appropriate places. And a garden fuller of wildlife than ever before might become yours!

Bird Bath in the Sitting Spiritually Garden
Evergreen & Deciduous Shrubs at RHS Rosemoor
Winter Interest at Castle Drogo

With Many Thanks to Muff Dudgeon

Muff Dudgeon Garden Design

07432 130666 or 01404 812071 

If you would like to contribute a blog, please contact Siobhan at

Winter Wildlife Shelter

Posted by Siobhan on March 1st 2019

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