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Celebrating "Have A Seat With"

Come and take a seat with us.....

Back in 2020 we had the germ of an idea for an interview series called Have A Seat With.  We just thought we’d have a very occasional series talking to people in the gardening world and see how it took off.

Well, it flew!!  We are now approaching our twenty fifth interview, to be published shortly, and we wanted to thank everyone who has been involved.

We kicked off in true style with the absolutely fabulous Georgie Newbery, of Common Farm Flowers, and many illustrious names in the garden world have followed, from garden designers, photographers, TV Personalities, Head Gardeners to Bloggers and Flower Farmers.

We have been so thrilled at people’s willingness to take part and we fervently hope that this wonderful series will continue with gusto.

We have absolutely loved taking time with all our willing interviewees, so grab a cup of whatever you fancy, take a few minutes to indulge yourself, and have a browse here

The spectacular hero image at the top of this blog is the  huge horse head sculpture in frost by Nic Fiddian-Green at Malverleys in Berkshire photographed by the celebrated Garden Photographer Clive Nichols, who had a seat with us earlier this year. Clive has the most beautiful book, Brilliant English Gardens published this month, we highly recommend it

Ann Marie Powell
Mr Plant Geek
Jo Thompson
Lee Burkhill

Posted on September 5th 2022

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