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All About The Colour!

"Colour is a power which directly influences the soul"

Wassily Kandinsky

This year we have seen an increase in sales of our Affinity Painted Accoya Swing Seat, and Blue certainly seems to be the colour of choice recently, as shown below in the recently completed commissions, all painted in Farrow & Ball colours.

It got us pondering, what influences a colour choice?

Is it a colour you have loved since childhood?

Are you influenced by colours in nature?

Does a certain colour make you feel calm?

Do you want to make a really bold statement?

Do you want your garden swing seat to blend quietly into the garden?

And don’t be afraid to use dark colours.  We have twice recently been asked to paint swing seats in Farrow & Ball’s remarkable Inchrya Blue, a moody blue grey that results in a really dramatic statement piece (see photo below).

Every colour creates different emotions and feelings. Colours can make us feel happy or sad. Research shows that colours can greatly affect our moods and the way other people respond to us. Amazingly, colours can even change our heart rate and blood pressure.

For example, the colour blue is almost always associated with blue skies, which when we are children is a positive thing — it means playing outside and fun. Evolutionarily it also means there are no storms to come and good sun for crops. This is why blue reminds us of stability and calm.  It is the colour of truth and wisdom and has a calming effect.

The choice is of course ultimately down to the individual, but we love getting involved in helping customers make their colour choice, it’s an exciting part of every Affinity commission and seeing the final result can be a real Wow moment.

So if you're considering a real splash of colour, or something paler & quieter, have a chat with us, the possibilities are endless, and what better time to think about it and plan ahead, than injecting some colour into our imagination as the nights draw in?  Plan ahead and let us make your seat over the Winter months for Spring delivery, and look forward to that injection of colour into your garden & soul.

Dix Blue
Inchyra Blue
St Giles Blue

Posted on September 28th 2021

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