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An Interview with The Real Flower Company Founder, Rosebie Morton

Rosebie Morton founded The Real Flower Company nearly 25 years ago with one mission in mind – to cultivate cut flowers with scent, as if they were just picked from the garden. We caught up with Rosebie to find out more…

What inspired your love of gardening? 

I grew up surrounded by two fanatical gardeners, my mother and grandmother and they installed a love of plants and nature. My earliest memories were the scent from the roses in my grandmother’s garden and picking the flowers to turn into a homemade perfume by bashing the petals and making a hideous concoction.

How did you decide to turn your love of gardening into a business? 

From the realisation that there were very few flowers available with scent especially roses, other than a Hyacinth, Lily or Freesia, so I began to grow scented garden roses to fill this gap in the market.

What's your typical day? 

Time permitting, I like to go for an early morning run with our mad assortment of  dogs, a Wolf Hound, Labrador and two Jack Russells.  Then I head down to Chichester to meet with Gerry our Sweet pea manager to check on the Sweet Peas and other crops which we are growing. Breakfast on the move, strong black coffee and a marmite sandwich! Back to the home farm to catch up with how bouquet orders are coming in. Discuss with florists what’s selling well and any changes we need to make with the website. Meet up with Rob, our Rose and flower manager  and then walk through the paddock to see what plants are coming on and what is about to come into flower or what foliage is ready to pick. If I am flush for time, I might make it back to Sheep Dip (my house) to catch up with my husband Matthew and see what is happening on the farm but normally the day disappears in a mad rush. Never a dull moment but I always find time to remember why I do this job which is the joy of being surrounded by nature and all that it brings.      

What are your plans for Chelsea this year? 

Our theme is From Farm to Vase with the emphasis on the partially sighted. We intend to have a small version of our flower paddock full of scented and textual flowers and foliages which the public will be able to walk through into a model of our New King’s Road shop which will be full of cut flower displays  along with  a florist  who will  be creating inspirational bouquets for people to take away with them

What's your favourite bouquet from this year's Mother's Day collection? 

I particularly like the Florist’s choice because it is a medley of what looks best for the season and its all freshly picked and put together in a gorgeous mixed  bouquet with lots of scent and character.

What's your favourite garden? 

It has to be Great Dixter, Christopher Lloyd was a hero of mine when I first got into horticulture and I love the spontaneity of the garden and the fact that the plants are free to express their individuality and character. Nothing stands on ceremony and the colours pop out at one in a relaxed and uplifting fashion. I have been hugely influenced by Great Dixter in my own garden and even now, I get great joy from reading Christo’s books.

You’ll find The Real Flower Company at this year’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show and online here.

With many thanks to Daisy Brooks & Rosebie Morton of The Real Flower Company

Find them on Instagram here

Rosebie Morton, Founder

Posted on March 16th 2020

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