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Looking to Spring 2021 with our bulb choices

Nectoscordium Siculum

Jarmanmurphy write.....

Developing the Sitting Spiritually garden is something we both relish, and this autumn we have been asked to enhance the bulb scheme with later flowering varieties that bring blooms into June and July. We are increasing the number of Alliums with A. obliquum, a gorgeous bobbling yellow head that emerge from papery cases and A. siculum (Nectaroscordum) whose nodding heads of pink and green will also provide seed heads in the autumn. Braching stems of Ornothagolum magnum ‘Moskou’ will dot pretty white stars in and around the sunny spots, inviting you to look closer at their delicate centres.

We will be adding Brodiaea Babylon to bring dainty upturned blooms in June and Gladiolus byzantinus for the lighter shadier spots, along with Lilium martagon ‘Sunny Morning’ and its delightful speckled orangey/red reflex petals that erupt from plump buds all the way to the top of the stem.

 The wow factor this season is coming from Eremurus ‘Rumba’ (Martin’s favourite ‘Strictly’ dance viewing!), as it shoots carnival coloured flower spikes like fireworks up and above the surrounding plants. 

We can’t wait to see all these treasures next year and hope you can come and do so too!

We are happy to  welcome visitors for a socially distanced garden visit, please just give us a call on 01297 443084  & we will happily make a time for you to visit us.

Posted on October 6th 2020

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