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Our Gardens Are More Treasured Than Ever

We all need a sure thing in our lives, now more than ever, and there is something especially calming about our gardens in these torrid times. 

Don’t only think about your garden as a place you go to in Summer, make it a place of sanctuary, tranquillity, and most of all safety & freedom from all the restrictions during lockdown and beyond.  This pandemic is really making us all value what we have closer to home, and is leading us to discover, or in some cases, rediscover, the healing and restorative power of just being outside and at one with nature.

Scientists think that breathing in phytoncides—airborne chemicals produced by plants—increases our levels of white blood cells, helping us fight off infections and diseases, even more reason to spend time in your garden right now.

Spending time outdoors at one with nature can help relieve stress and anxiety, improve your mood, and boost feelings of happiness and wellbeing.

We have found that people are being inspired by their gardens like never before and outdoor projects are something they can have endless pleasure planning as a way to unwind from the stresses and strains we have all felt, with the end result being their safe haven.

Certainly whilst planning a holiday isn’t an option, planning a new lease of life for your own place of safety is something you can do, and frequently people are now working from home, and seeking places to go in their garden as an escape from their home office.

Some 46% of consumers said they did a landscaping, gardening or outdoor-living update in the last three months, topping the list of home-improvement projects in a in Summer survey.

Your garden, however big or small, should bring you joy & solace, and what better way to achieve this than planning a place to sit and just be.  Wander around your garden at your favourite time of day, or night, find where you are instinctively drawn to, spend time there, is this where you would like to lose yourself?  

Plan your place to sit, should your garden furniture take the form of a swing seat, garden bench, pergola, swinging day bed?  Or maybe if space is tight a Rockabye?  Or if you have a suitable tree, how about losing yourself in dreams with a classic old fashioned rope swing

How about planting something for scent in the Winter months when you can sit snuggled under a blanket.  And look at lighting, from a string of fairy lights or a lantern to something more dashing and designer with an Italian feel.

The possibilities are endless, whatever the size of your garden we can help guide you to your ultimate dream seat.

"Before beginning a hunt, it is wise to ask someone what you are looking for before you begin looking for it.”

 - Winnie the Pooh (be like Pooh, just ask us!)

Posted on November 6th 2020

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