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Spring at RHS Garden Harlow Carr
by Katherine Musgrove

The garden here at RHS Garden Harlow Carr in Harrogate is looking its Spring best at  the moment, the leaf canopy is not quite out on the big mature trees, which gives plenty of light for the woodland plants to grow and thrive. The temperatures here have been all over the place: last week we reached a temperature of 22 degrees C, and this week we have been shivering in biting northerly winds and a top temperature of 3 degrees C.

Anyway none of this affects our wonderful Rhododendrons and the woodland is currently peppered with the colours of the Rhododendrons from the purest white through to the most glorious pinks and reds.

One of our favourites is Rhododendron  barbatum which not only has the most intense red flowers; but fabulous peeling cinnamon coloured bark – this rhododendron in particular starts flowering in March and is still going strong! That’s the thing with rhodys; they flower for a long time and are as such very good value.

Elsewhere there is the majestic Crown Imperial Fritillarias so called because the flowers form a crown around the top of the stem. They have quite an intense scent which some people describe as foxy and others as a savoury onion smell, either way they can’t be ignored!

The daffodils are also looking fabulous and a wonderful array of bright yellows through to creamy whites carpet the edges of the woodland.

So if you are visiting our gardens and enjoying a sit on the brilliant garden swing seats supplied by Sitting Spiritually glance across and then take a stroll into the woodland and enjoy the grandeur and colours of the woodland at its Spring best.

RHS Garden Harlow....

Pre-booked admissions only
9.30am – 6pm daily

Last entry to garden 4.30pm

Book your visit here

Affinity Fan Back Swing Seat at Harlow Carr
Narcissus February Gold
Carpet of Daffys
Crown Imperialis Fritiillarias
Rhodendron Barbatum

With many thanks to Katherine Musgrove, Garden Manager at

RHS Garden Harlow Carr

Crag Lane



Posted by Siobhan on April 12th 2021

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