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Visit the Sitting Spiritually Garden Over Your Christmas Break

 “It was a pleasure to wander round Martin’s lovely garden - even in Winter, and to see all the different swing seats nestled invitingly in secluded nooks along the path.” 

Mr & Mrs P, Sidmouth

We are happy to welcome visitors to the Sitting Spiritually Garden, by appointment only (Dependent on Tier)

We are able to offer socially distanced visits, where you can safely see the garden in its Winter guise, and try out the many swing seats here.

More and more we are finding people are welcoming the chance to visit and experience a Sitting Spiritually Swing Seat for themselves, it is an ideal opportunity for you to have some private time with Martin, who is always happy to guide you throught the many choices available.

We are situated less than ten minutes from Lyme Regis (see some stunning images below)  so it is the ideal time to take a walk along the world famous Cobb and blow away the cobwebs this very strange year has bestowed on us.

Please give us a call on 01297 443084 or email us  if you would like to arrange a visit, a warm welcome awaits you.

Posted by Siobhan on December 16th 2020

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