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Wooden swing seats for adults: why let the kids have all the fun?

Although research is ongoing, and we don’t yet have a full understanding of how time spent in nature can have such a profound effect on our overall health and wellbeing, the benefits including improved mood and concentration, gaining a sense of peace, and a self-esteem boost, are largely linked to the way we build a meaningful connection with the natural environment. 

Creating outdoor spaces with all five senses in mind is really important when it comes to building this connection, but one thing that often gets overlooked is movement. Studies show that regular movements through space like rocking and spinning are both soothing, and fantastic for childhood brain development. 

The benefits of movement don’t stop at childhood, either. It stimulates the vestibular system in the inner ear, which not only continues to be soothing into adulthood, but it also helps increase concentration and the ability to pay attention. 

With that in mind, the pink-cheeked breathless joy that comes from swinging higher and higher on a rope swing and being able to take in a unique view of the natural surroundings is absolutely something grown-ups could and should be thinking about in the garden! 

However, that’s not for everyone, and for those looking for a calmer, more relaxed form of movement, the gentle sway of a wooden swing seat or the soothing motion of a rocking bench are both fantastic options. Slower movement and a comfortable seat make for a great place to sit and indulge all five senses in what the garden has to offer throughout every season. 

Kyokusen garden wooden swing seat for adults
Shaded wooden swing seat for adults

The health benefits of rocking movements

There are many studies looking into how a regular rocking motion affects certain groups of people. From elderly patients with Alzheimer’s, to people with ADHD, regularly spending time in a rocking chair has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression, as well as helping with sleep. 

Scientists at the Medical College of Virginia have named the gentle movement of a rocking chair ‘kinetic therapy’, and their studies have shown that such a movement can be an incredible aid in the healing of ill patients. Rocking chair therapy has even been shown to increase the ability to self-regulate mood in adults! So if you needed convincing that treating yourself to a garden swing seat was a good idea, then think about the moment after a busy week, you get to make a cuppa or pour a glass of wine, and let the stress of the week melt away. 

Feeling inspired to add movement to your garden? Take a look at our range of garden swing seats

Posted on March 13th 2023

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